Kapi Coffee
Single Origin Malabar Espresso
Roaster Location: | Coppell, Texas |
Coffee Origin: | Southern India |
Roast Level: | Medium-Dark |
Agtron: | 39/49 |
Est. Price: | $12.95/12 ounces |
Review Date: | February 2016 |
Aroma: | 8 |
Body: | 8 |
Flavor: | 8 |
Aftertaste: | 7 |
With Milk: | 8 |
Blind Assessment
Evaluated as espresso. Syrupy, savory-sweet, roasty. Dark chocolate, scorched mesquite, orange zest, very ripe peach in aroma and small cup. Fat, syrupy mouthfeel; heavy, savory-sweet finish. Fruit-toned chocolate and mesquite dominate in three parts milk.
This is an India monsooned Malabar. Monsooned Malabars are dried-in-the-fruit or “natural” coffees that, after fruit removal and drying, are exposed to wet, salty winds inside special open-sided warehouses on the southwest coast of India during the monsoon season. After several months of such exposure the beans swell to about twice their normal size, lose acidity, and develop a rustic, syrupy weight. Visit www.kapicoffee.com for more information.
Who Should Drink It
Those who enjoy richly rustic, heavy-bodied, darker-roasted espressos.
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