Reviews for Kakalove Cafe
Sweet-toned, pungent, heavy. Prominent notes of fresh-cut oak, carob and sweet cherry with subtle malt and vanilla suggestions in aroma, and more pungently, in the cup. Brisk but backgrounded acidity; lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Flavor consolidates in a rich but drying finish.
Sweet-toned and buoyant; delicately pungent. Moist pipe tobacco, guava-like fruit, honey, rose-like flowers in aroma and cup. Gentle, complexly expressed acidity; silky, very lively mouthfeel. The floral notes in particular carry into a sweet, flavor-saturated finish.
Engaging, complex, sweetly tart. Honey, roasted cacao nib, tart kumquat, lavender-like flowers in aroma and cup. Softly rich acidity; lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Citrus and cacao in particular carry into a bittersweet, flavor-saturated finish.
Intensely pungent: black currant, orange, dark chocolate with a slight mushroom-like savory edge in the cup. Round, rich acidity. Full, syrupy mouthfeel. The savory pungency carries into a lasting, though simple, finish.