Colombia could be approaching best-of-both-worlds status as coffee producer. On one hand, standard commodity Colombias continue rolling down to the ports and onward into “100% Colombian” supermarket cans and jars, whose quite decent contents put to shame the bland, woody, Robusta-laden contents of competing supermarket cans and jars. At the same time, small lots of specialty Colombia
Produced by Angel Capa Carrion from trees of the Caturra, Typica, San Salvador and Yellow Catimor varieties of Arabica and processed by the washed method (fruit skin and flesh are removed before drying). JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with
Rayo del Sol
Produced by Roxana Rangel from trees of the Yellow Caturra and Typica varieties of Arabica and processed by the washed method (fruit skin and flesh are removed before drying). JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit
Rock the House Blend
JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
The Year 2020 in Coffee: Challenges, Trends, Surprises & Knockouts
In 2020, COVID-19 devastated lives and businesses, challenging the global specialty coffee community to its core. On the producing side, the pandemic added still another daunting challenge to growers facing endemic low coffee prices and an ongoing battle with leaf rust disease in Latin America. On the consuming side, roasters saw the pandemic shutter their bread-and-butter café businesses while
Jose Cienfuegos Mexico
Produced at La Trincheras entirely of the Bourbon and Garnica varieties of Arabica and processed by the washed method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more
Celebrating the Top 30 Coffees of 2020
Coffee Review’s list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2020 represents our eighth annual ranking of the most exciting coffees we tested over the course of the year. The Top 30 celebrates and promotes coffee roasters, farmers, mill operators, importers, and other coffee industry professionals who make an extra effort to produce coffees that are not only superb in quality but also distinctive in
Ardent Ethiopia Natural
This exceptional coffee was selected as the No. 5 coffee on Coffee Review’s list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2020. A green coffee from Ardent Coffees, a newer specialized exporter of Ethiopia coffees. Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are largely produced from distinctive indigenous Ethiopian landrace varieties of Arabica long grown in their respective regions. This is a dry-processed or
La Union
Produced by smallholding members of the FUDAM Association of southern Colombia from trees of the Castillo, Caturra and Colombia varieties of Arabica. Processed by the washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying). JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers
Produced by members of the INOI Farmers’ Society from trees of the SL28, SL34 and Batian varieties of Arabica. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more
Halo Hartume
Yirgacheffe coffees like this one are largely produced from traditional Ethiopian landrace varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. A wet-processed or “washed” coffee version, meaning the fruit skin and pulp were removed from the beans immediately after harvesting and before drying. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best
San Diego Natural
Grown by smallholding farmers in the admired Tarrazu region of Costa Rica and processed by the natural method at Beneficio San Diego. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call
Buna Boka #1
Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are produced from distinctive traditional Ethiopian landrace varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. This lot was processed by the wet or washed method (fruit skin and pulp are removed before drying). JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and
El Jardin
Produced by Luis Alvaro Vargas entirely from trees of the Caturra "Chiroso" variety of Arabica and processed by the washed method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call
Monte Alban
Produced by smallholding farmers in the Oaxaca region of Mexico from trees of the Bourbon and Typica varieties of Arabica and processed by the washed method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit
Benti Nenqa #209 Ethiopia
Southern Ethiopia coffees like this one are largely produced from distinctive indigenous Ethiopian varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. Processed by the natural method (dried in the whole fruit). JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees
Andi Sumatra
Produced by Armiyadi, a small farm in the Aceh region of Sumatra, entirely from trees of the Ateng Super hybrid variety of Arabica and processed by the Indonesia wet-hulled method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums.
Las Gravilias Costa Rica
Certified organic. Produced by Roberto Fabrizzio Marin Jimenez from trees of the Catuaí and Caturra varieties of Arabica and carefully processed by the mechanically washed method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums.
Karani Kenya
Produced by smallholding farmers and processed at the Karani wet mill from trees of the SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11 and Batian varieties of Arabica. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call
Miraflores Colombia
Produced by Gilma Munoz from trees of the Caturra, Colombia and Castillo varieties of Arabica and processed by the washed method. JBC Coffee Roasters’ vision is simple: “let the coffee lead the way” through sourcing and roasting the best and most unique coffees available and rewarding the farmers who grow those coffees with substantial premiums. Visit or call 608-256-5282