Rwanda's impressive potential as fine coffee producer has come to fruition over the last several years owing to the industry of its growers, generous support from international aid agencies and the commitment of North American specialty coffee roasters. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit
Ethiopian Shanta Golba Espresso Fair Trade
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. It is a dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson
Tano Batak Sumatra
JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Elizer Espresso
Unlike most Brazil coffees, this one was processed by the washed or wet method, meaning the soft fruit residue was completely removed before the beans were dried. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Ethiopian Sidamo Shanta Golba Natural Processed
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. It is a dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson
Kenya Meru Kinjo Peaberry
This sample consists entirely of peaberries, a kind of bean that results when the coffee fruit develops only a single, oval bean rather than the usual pair of flat-sided beans. Peaberries produce a somewhat different (often better) cup than normal beans from the same crop, from which they may or may not be separated during grading. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Gedeo Worka Fair Trade Organic Certified
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. Worka is one of twenty-two primary cooperatives that fall under the umbrella of the Yirgacheffe Farmers Union located in the Gedeo Zone of southern Ethiopia. Yirgacheffe is a coffee region in Ethiopia that produces distinctively floral- and
Guatemala Quiche Chajulense FTO Espresso
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair-Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. Grown and processed by the Chajulense cooperative, a group of 1,800 indigenous farmers in Guatemala's Quiché Department. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Koke Coop FTO
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. Yirgacheffe is a coffee region in southern Ethiopia that produces distinctively floral- and fruit-toned coffees from traditional varieties of Arabica long grown in the region. Yirgacheffe coffees like this one processed by the wet or washed
Kenya AA Nyeri Ndiaini Espresso
Grown by the Gakuyu Farmers Cooperative, this coffee consists entirely of the admired Bourbon-derived hybrid SL 28.JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Guatemala Alotenango La Candelaria Espresso
Finca Candelaria is owned and managed by Luis Pedro Zelaya Sr. who, over the past several years has taken a once run-down farm and revitalized it. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
A blend of three coffees, Twisted's name was inspired by the way espresso "twists" as it the streams from the spout of a portafilter. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Guatemala Quiche Chajulense Fair Trade Organic
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair-Trade certified, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. Grown and processed by the Chajulense cooperative, a group of 1,800 indigenous farmers in Guatemala's Quiché Department. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting
Ethiopia Nigusie Lemma Natural Processed Single Origin Espresso
"Natural" process means the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after removal of the fruit. Nigusie Lemma is a coffee farmer in the Mitto Gunim area of the Limu Kossa district northwest of Jimma.JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
Guatemala Finca La Candelaria
Finca Candelaria is owned and managed by Luis Pedro Zelaya Sr. who, over the past several years has taken a once run-down farm and revitalized it. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
El Salvador Los Alpes El Banco Pacamara Espresso
Farmer Luis Alonso Araujo produced this coffee from trees of the much-admired, bold-beaned Pacamara variety on a section of his farm Los Alpes called El Banco, one of the three original plantings of the now-classic Pacamara variety as it emerged from the laboratory of Angel Cabrera. Pacamara, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon variety, has
El Salvador Amarillo Yellow Bourbon
Composed entirely of beans from the yellow-fruited strain of the heirloom Bourbon variety of Arabica, this coffee was produced by farmer Luis Alonso Araujo on a section of his farm Los Alpes called El Amarillo. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
Kenya Kirinyaga Kii Peaberry Espresso
Produced mainly from trees of the admired, Bourbon-derived SL 28 and SL 34 varieties, this offering consists entirely of peaberries, a kind of bean that results when the coffee fruit develops only a single, oval bean rather than the usual pair of flat-sided beans. Peaberries produce a somewhat different (often better) cup than normal beans from the same crop, from which they may or may not be
El Salvador Finca Los Alpes El Banco Pacamara
Farmer Luis Alonso Araujo produced this coffee from trees of the much-admired, bold-beaned Pacamara variety on a section of his farm Los Alpes called El Banco, one of the three original plantings of the now-classic Pacamara hybrid as it emerged from the laboratory of Angel Cabrera. Pacamara, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon variety, has
El Salvador Finca Los Alpes Tierra Fertil Pacamara
Farmer Luis Alonso Araujo produced this coffee from trees of the much-admired, bold-beaned Pacamara variety on a section of his farm Los Alpes. Pacamara, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon variety, has proven to produce exceptional coffee on many El Salvador farms. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a