Yirgacheffe is a verdant region of hills in Sidamo Province in the south of Ethiopia that produces coffees admired for their intense distinctive floral, citrus and cocoa aromatics. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
El Salvador Yellow Bourbon Amarillo Borbollon
Bourbon is a prestigious, heirloom variety of Coffea Arabica; this particular strain has a yellow skin. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
El Salvador Pacamara Tierra Fertil Los Alpes Reserva
Farmer Luis Alonso Araujo produced this coffee from trees of the much-admired, bold-beaned Pacamara variety on the Tierra Fertil section of his farm Los Alpes. The Pacamara variety, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon, has proven to produce exceptional coffee on many El Salvador farms. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee
Sumatra Peaberry Blue Batak Tarbarita
Blue Batak is a particularly refined version of the traditional style of fruity, earthy Sumatra coffee. This selection consists entirely of peaberries, a kind of bean that results when the coffee fruit develops only a single, oval bean rather than the usual pair of flat-sided beans. Peaberries produce a somewhat different (often better) cup than normal beans from the same crop, from which they may
El Salvador Tablon Cumbrita Finca Matalapa
From the prize-winning Finca Matalapa, this coffee is composed of beans from trees of the Bourbon and Pacas varieties. The farm is divided into sections called tablones; Tablon Cumbrita is one of Finca Matalapa's highest, at over 4,000 feet above sea level. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit
Kenya Peaberry Thika Gethumbwini
Despite national coffee leadership marked by confusion and recent social disorder, Kenya cooperatives continue to produce some of the world's most elegant and distinctive coffees. This sample consists entirely of peaberries, a kind of bean that results when the coffee fruit develops only a single, oval bean rather than the usual pair of flat-sided beans. Peaberries produce a somewhat different
Sumatra Blue Batak
Blue Batak is a particularly refined version of the traditional style of fruity, earthy Sumatra coffee. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
Fair Trade Organic House Blend
Available in a 12-ounce valve bag at $11.95. This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
Organic Ethiopian Adado
Certified organically grown. A dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. Yirgacheffe, from a lush range of hills in southern Ethiopia, produces some the world's most distinctive coffees. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a
Sumatra Blue Batak
Blue Batak is a particularly refined version of the traditional style of fruity, earthy Sumatra coffee. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
Kenya Peaberry Nyeri-Tatu
Despite national coffee leadership marked by confusion and recent social disorder, Kenya cooperatives continue to produce some of the world's most elegant and distinctive coffees. This sample consists entirely of peaberries, a kind of bean that results when the coffee fruit develops only a single, oval bean rather than the usual pair of flat-sided beans. Peaberries produce a somewhat different
Fair Trade Organic Guatemala Maya Ixil Quiche
This coffee is certified organically grown and Fair Trade, meaning it was purchased from small-holding, indigenous farmers of the Maya Ixil cooperative at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee Roasters) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information..
El Salvador Pacamara Tierra Fertil Los Alpes Reserva
Farmer Luis Alonso Araujo produced this coffee from trees of the much-admired, bold-beaned Pacamara variety on the Tierra Fertil section of his farm Los Alpes. The Pacamara variety, a cross between the giant-beaned Maragogipe variety and Pacas, a selection of the heirloom Bourbon, has proven to produce exceptional coffee on many El Salvador farms. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers
Kenya AA Nyeri Tatu
Despite national coffee leadership marred by confusion and infrastructure threatened by recent social disorder, Kenya cooperatives continue to produce some of the world's most elegant and distinctive coffees. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Panama Boquete Casa Ruiz
Casa Ruiz is a group of smaller artisan farms in the admired Boquete region of Panama, near the Costa Rica border. Casa Ruiz prides itself on environmentally friendly shade growing and on rigorous separation of lots by tree variety and growing altitude. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha Selection #7
A dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. Aricha Selection Seven is a specially prepared and selected lot of dry-processed coffee from the Yirgacheffe region exported by S.A. Bagersh and air shipped to the United States by Joseph Brodsky's Ninety Plus Coffee
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Hama
This coffee was purchased from small-holding farmers, in this case the farmers of the Hama (also Hamma) Cooperative. A dry-processed or "natural" coffee, meaning the beans were dried inside the fruit rather than after the fruit has been removed, as is the case with wet-processed or "washed" coffees. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee) is a distinguished small-batch roasting
Honduras El Filo Cup of Excellence
A prize winner in the 2007 Honduras Cup of Excellence competition, where as a green (unroasted) coffee it placed fourth out of hundreds of entries, attracting a score of 91.28 from an international jury. Farmer Miguel Moreno Leiva produced this classic coffee on a tiny farm of 3.5 hectares using traditional methods in the Santa Barbara region. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee)
Fair Trade Organic House Blend (Wisconsin Union Blend)
The components of this blend are organically grown and certified Fair Trade, meaning they were purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable price. JBC Coffee Roasters (formerly Johnson Brothers Coffee) is a distinguished small-batch roasting company. Visit www.jbccoffeeroasters.com or call 608-256-5282 for more information.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Fair Trade Organic
Their tendency to high-toned floral and citrus sweetness has made the wet-processed coffees of the Yirgacheffe region, a lush range of hills in southern Ethiopia, among the world's most distinctive. This very pure, perfectly processed Yirgacheffe is certified organically grown and certified Fair Trade, meaning it was purchased from small-holding farmers at a "fair" or economically sustainable